Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Don't wait. Live now!

Not long ago, I had a great conversation with one of my nephews, a 20-something. Until then, he seemed to me to be a bright and eager young man, but somewhat lacking in focus and drive. Well, all that is changing!

He told me about his epiphany. That last year, he became aware that his life was quickly passing him by. That he realized that if he was to accomplish something with his life, that he had to make things happen.

Bravo! I said to him. Tell me more, I inquired.

Excitedly, he started to reveal all the goals he was setting for himself, many of which he was already starting on, including learning about photography as well as how to box! He said he was inspired by his grandfather, my dad, who was a boxer in his youth, who boxed when he joined the Army in WWII.

As I listened to him, I felt my heart burn with pride for this nephew of mine, one of many nephews and nieces that I am observing as they grow up and enter their young adulthood. I want only the best for them. I want them to be happy and successful.

And to that end, I want them to live now and not wait until some future date. Years ago, in my generation, we acquired a myth that when retirement arrived, we could finally stop working and enjoy life. Now I know that enjoying life has to happen today.

I asked my nephew about travel and seeing the world. He said he has plans in that regard.

I was happy to hear that. Don't wait, I advised him. It is never going to get any cheaper. Bite the bullet and go. See the world.

Don't wait. Live now!

Terrence H. Seamon is an organization development consultant and coach who provides leadership and team development services to employers in New Jersey. His book Lead the Way explores the challenges of leadership. Additionally, Terry is a job search and career coach whose book To Your Success provides a motivational guide for anyone in transition. His third book, Change for the Better (forthcoming), will provide leaders with a guide to navigating through organizational change. An alumnus of PSG, Terry co-founded and co-moderates the St. Matthias Employment Ministry in Somerset, NJ. He can be reached at and via his website:

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