Friday, November 18, 2016

The 3 Types of Questions in Interviews

There are three types of questions in interviews:

1. the questions they will ask you

2. the questions you ought to ask them

3. and the questions you should ask yourself

Let's look at each type.

Much is written and said about Type 1 Questions. This is as it should be. A key part of preparation for an interview is to think in advance of the questions the employer is likely to ask you.

One of the goals of the employer is to determine if you can do the job. So they will ask a variety of questions about your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Be ready to tell your CAR stories as a way to convey your capabilities and value.

It is also vital to anticipate the "tough" questions they may ask, such as 'Why did you leave your last position?' Another tough question deals with gaps in your work history.

Since there are many excellent resources for this type of question, we will leave it there.

As for Type 2 Questions, these are ones that the savvy job candidate asks. They come from the homework she has done on the company, including online (and library) research as well as tapping her network for information. She has studied the job description and annotated it with comments and questions about the role and what appears to be expected.

Such pre-work is a must! The more you have delved into the Job and the Company, the more you will feel ready to engage in a conversation with the employer. And it will provide a basis for preparing a list of questions to ask the interviewer.

What sorts of questions? Questions about the job and the role, about the business, and about the culture.

Why are Type 2 Questions so important? There are several reasons. They show you have done your homework. They demonstrate your interest in the company. And they help You to gather vital information that will help you decide if this company is right for you.

Which brings us to Type 3 Questions, the ones you must ask yourself. Questions such as...

Am I ready for this interview?

Have I prepared my CAR stories?

Do I know my value?

Do I want this job?

And after the interview...

How did that interview go?

Do I still want this job?

Do I want to work for this company?

What must I do next?

Terrence Seamon helps career transitioners to achieve their goals. Follow him on twitter @tseamon and on LinkedIn.

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